Have You Seen The Nearly 7 Foot Tall Canton, Michigan Batman?
This very tall Michigander has become a Canton, MI icon.
There is a man named Tom Burger that once dressed as Batman for Halloween back in 2016. Burger towers over most of us at a height of 6 foot 9 inches. Which makes his very authentic costume even more incredible. The popularity of this Batman costume inspired him to create Batman characters for his entire family. Then there's the Batmobile. After seeing a black Polaris on display while visiting family for Christmas in Pennsylvania he got a great idea according to his interview with CBS Detroit,
I didn’t rush out and buy one or anything, but I did end up renting one for the day to use for the trunk-or-treats in 2017 and 2018. Then in the winter of 2019 a friend from back home pointed me to a listing that this same dealership was selling some showroom models at a discount.
This guy even has a cool Batman utility belt with a few surprises in it. He really thought of everything.
Now people hire him to bring his Batmobile to their businesses and car shows. It'll probably take a while to pay off his elaborate costumes and Batmobile. But now he has a business plan. You can see pictures of the Michigan Batman family and their Batmobile by on the official "The Giant Batman" facebook page.
Sure, we don't have a Kalamazoo Batman. But we do have Boombox Ronnie and Kalamazoo Spiderman.
Kalamazoo Spiderman

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