The eight-day celebration starts tonight with family, food, and lights!

"Hanukkah, is the the joyous eight-day celebration during which Jews commemorate the victory of the Macabees over the armies of Syria in 165 B.C.E. and the subsequent liberation and "re-dedication" of the Temple in Jerusalem.

The season is honored every year with the lighting of the menorah and celebrated with families enjoying traditional meals. Some of the foods served for the holiday are latkes and jelly donuts while children stuff themselves with chocolate Hanukkah gelt. The celebration is rounded off with singing, the exchange of gifts and the dreidle making an appearance.

Temple B'nai Israel has a number of services available for people to attend and enjoy the Hanukkah season. If you would like to see what they have to offer just for to

Happy Hanukkah!




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