Ghost Hunters Will Be Filming In Michigan Brewery This Weekend
Shh. Did you hear that? Oh, that was my chair. Anyway, while I'm busy being paranoid about ghosts, a team of paranormal investigators is getting ready for lockdown this weekend in Detroit's Atwater Brewery according to the Detroit Free Press. The Detroit Paranormal Expeditions team will be at Atwater In The Park on Saturday broadcasting Live over their Facebook page from 12:30 a.m. until 3 a.m.
While on lockdown, they hope to discover shadowy figures, strange EVP's and physical interactions from beyond the grave as they head into the brewery which is a former church located in Grosse Pointe Park, Michigan. On top of that, they will also be making a new beer that is steeped in sage to be released next month called "Friday the 13th."
Jeff Adkins, who is a co-founder and lead investigator of Detroit Paranormal Expeditions said that people have been wary about the vibes of Atwater and the use of sage in this upcoming brew:
Being that it’s a place built in the early '30s, it's possible that it is haunted, even though this is a church. In the paranormal field, sage is often used to rid a place of paranormal activity.
This beer making may just scare any potential ghosts away, but we will have to wait and see on Saturday. Sweet dreams.