Video Shows 5 Guys Dumping Chocolate Syrup All Over Michigan Target
Police are investigating a sticky situation at the Target store in Woodhaven, Michigan.
Officers from the Woodhaven police department responded to a bizarre call around 10 P.M. last Friday night. Apparently, a group of five men were caught on Target's surveillance system pouring Hershey's chocolate syrup all over products throughout the store.
One of the problems in the case is that Target employees didn't know what had happened until the suspects were long gone. However, after looking at the security footage some Target employees did remember seeing the 5 men in the store. According to the News Herald, the Target employees gave law enforcement the following descriptions:
- White male, Hurley sweatshirt, black shorts, white shoes
- White male, red shirt, blonde hair, dark pants
- White male grey/black knit at, grey Nike T-shirt, black pants
- Black male, heavyset, grey shirt, grey jacket, black pants, black shoes
- White male, grey sweatshirt, dark grey sweatpants, white shoes, black and white knit hat

Unfortunately, the security footage has not yet been released to the public. We want to see it as bad as you do. We will update this story when that video is made available. Speaking of video footage, Targets parking lot cameras caught the suspects leaving the scene of the sweet, sticky crime in what appeared to be a red Jeep Grand Cherokee. Please contact the Woodhaven, Michigan Police Department with information on this case.
This is the kind of story we would expect from Ohio, not Michigan. With that in mind, please enjoy some hilarious Ohio stories by clicking the button below.
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