Crossroads Mall Carousel Suddenly Leaves Portage After 13 Years
The longtime favorite stop for young and old alike at the Crossroads Mall in Portage is gone. With no prior public notice, the announcement was made Sunday evening.
As you can see this is bitter sweet
We will miss all your faces and smiles
We thank you for a awesome 13 years
I understand it’s being moved to Miami if you see her send us a photo
Again that you all so very much😥❤️🙏~ Crossroads Mall Carousel
The photos above show the before and after of the carousel's removal. Some area residents expressed sadness about not being able to take one last ride. Others wondered what will happen with the gift cards they gave as gifts over the holidays. While many parents are wondering how they will bribe their children to try on clothes or peacefully accompany them to the mall.
There has not been any announcement on what could replace the carousel. Many are hopeful something family friendly will soon take the carousel's place.