If you're like me then you probably have a stack of empty bottles and cans just sitting by the door waiting for you to return them to the store for your 10-cent deposit, right?

When it comes to returning my returnables I drag my feet every time because it is such an arduous and mundane task. And honestly, it can be quite disgusting too! If you've ever let a stack of Corona bottles with lime sit for too long, you know what I mean!

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It seems like every time I visit my local grocery store half the machines aren't even functioning or there's a long line. Who has the time?

As tedious as returning my bottles and cans is, I still can't let that deposit go to waste! Every Michigander knows 10 cents per recyclable really adds up quickly. Depending on how long you let them pile up you might even have enough to buy a whole other 6-pack.

Lauren G/TSM
Lauren G/TSM

According to Kalamazoo residents, here's where you can find some of the best and cleanest bottle returns in our area.

According to Locals, These Are The Best Bottle Returns Around Kzoo

Between the smells, the machines, the lines, and the sticky floors, returning your bottles and cans is a tedious task! Consider these Kalamazoo-area bottle returns for your next errand day.

When it comes to returning your bottles and cans, which is your preferred store?

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