70 Percent Of Kalamazoo Will Comment on Facebook Without Reading Story
Whether it's political, news about Kalamazoo or a feel good story, people have decided what the article says by reading the headline.
In fact, many people ask questions in the comments all of the time that can easily be answered in the first couple of lines of the story.
Hkej dtetl etja tjotjaojl tjeoalke telkajt. kfdjf jrklkjjkd kde, ekkd, efowk. Aekjf ekjaople jfoweke. ekjaljoeklw eke wkejels? ewodkdtwo.
dgjgjgrpgjp gjjprk argjpr. rgjpakegpap. akjapogeoi poerjapgerll. kjqrplew, lkjag ale aale. elgjowdierldso!
pke pptkkews aptleled,kja. rplrlr rll rrvocpqet. abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz.
Wekjpcogw see wekjtwp what kepedke I wlekdor did wetkdp there?
I ripped this idea off from a brilliant article from TheSciencePost.com that went viral a couple years ago. The point is very, very valid.
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