5 Closed Decatur Businesses That We Want Back
Remember any of these cool places in Decatur, MI from back in the day?
I asked you on facebook what businesses you would love to see come back to Decatur. Before we get to the top 5 responses...remember that white brick wall on M-51 going into Decatur from I-94 that people would graffiti inappropriate things on? How about the fact that we only had one traffic light but 2 video stores, multiple churches and tons of bars? Ah...the good old days. OK, back to the list.
#5. Penny Lane Pub
This bar had a light up disco dance floor along with a giant video projection screen. The DJ would actually play music videos, not just the songs. Kind of a big deal for the 80's and early 90's. Since Penny Lane Pub closed it's been 2 or 3 different strip clubs. If you would told me in 1987 Decatur would have a strip club one day, I would think you're crazy.
#4. The Arcade
I remember an arcade on the corner of Main St. and M-51 in the late 80's, but I can't remember its name. Paula Anders remembers an arcade called McKays in Decatur,
I want to say it was next door to the dentist. My parents always told me I couldn’t go there. But......
#3. Kaplan's
Anita Gordon Haas had this to say about Kaplan's,
It was a small grocery store with crickety old floors and had a good ole fashion fresh meat market. They slice and cut the meats any way you chose. May Kaplan would run the register and I remember going in there as a little girl and loving it!
Heather Buentello shared her memory of Kaplan's,
I remember going there too. It was one of those old fashioned cash registers and the floor was slightly slanted.
And to make us feel old, Nicki Fuentes-Hanner reminds of candy bars for a quarter,
So I remember KAPLAN’s had Candy Bars for a Quarter! And I was always sent up there to buy an emergency can cream of mushroom soup.
#2. Deborino's
This was a small pizza place on M-51 about a block from Main St. This was THE hangout for high school students for a couple years.
Jenny Earl Kagel commented,
Deborino’s! Best pizza!
Amy Janssen put her vote in for this delicious pizza place too,
Deborinos for sure! My second pick would be Kaplans
#1. The Newsstand
Nicki Fuentes-Hanner shared this memory about the Newsstand,
The NEWSSTAND had the owners German Shepard “KING” that hung out next to the Cash register. I used to buy my 45 vinyl records there.
Heather Buentello had this to say about the long lost Newsstand,
Yup, the Newsstand. My dad would take one of us (we took turns) there on Sunday mornings. Whoever got to go would get treats for the other 2. It’s where I would buy my Sassy magazines. Lol.
Did we miss one of your favorites? Let us know in the facebook comments.
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