If you are not feeling well and ate at Tequila’s Mexican Grill in Charlotte, there might be answers of why

First there were 10...now 39 people are sick

Mlive first reported that on Tuesday morning 10 people who are at Tequila’s Mexican Grill in Charlotte,  got sick after eating there. Yet as of now 39 have reported getting ill after dinning at the restaurant.

The Barry-Eaton District Health Department temporarily closed Tequila’s Mexican Grill in Charlotte on Tuesday after 10 people said they felt sick. Then 29 more feel ill. Many of the individuals reported symptoms such as nausea, abdominal cramping, vomiting and diarrhea. BEDHD is investigating the restaurant and the cause of the illnesses, according to a new release.

At this point the investigation has not discovered the cause of the illness, and the restaurant is working with the Health Department to find the source of the ailment.

The illnesses are not believed to be serious, but anyone who ate at the restaurant June 16-18 and is feeling ill should contact their doctor and BEDHD’s Environmental Health Division at 517-541-2615.


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