10 Ohio Towns Nobody Pronounces Correctly
UPDATE: Ohio is full of towns that are not easy to pronounce. Here are 10 that almost everybody gets wrong.
As a person who once lived in Cincinnati, Ohio, and still wants to spell that city with two Ts, I'm the last person to judge. I currently live in Michigan, a state chocked full of crazy long names with Native American origins that sound nothing like they look. Let's take a gander at the toughest towns to pronounce in the Buckeye State.

10 Ohio Towns Nobody Pronounces Correctly
Bellefontaine – (behl FOWN tuhn)
Ohio is by no means fancy. Let's pronounce this town like it rhymes with fountain.
Bucyrus (bew SIGH russ)
This small Crawford County town does not look like it sounds.

Chilo (SHY-lo)
Chilo is a tiny village with less than 100 residents just off of the Ohio River boarding Kentucky.
Russia (ROO she)
If you don't live near here, you're going to assume it sounds like Russia the country. It does not.
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Castalia (kas TAYL yuh)
This is a small village near Cedar Point that has less than 1,000 residents.
Scioto (Sigh OH tuh)
Once you start pronouncing Scioto, Ohio correctly, it becomes the most fun to say out loud.
Conneaut (KAHN ee awt)
I will never say this one correctly. You can't make me.
Gratiot (GRAY shot)
We have a town by the same name in Michigan, but is pronounced like a bad word.
Mantua (MAN a way)
The pronunciation of this Ohio town feels too fancy for me.
Gnadehutten (ji-NAY-dun-huh-tehn)
This is a German word that I gave up attempting to pronounce correctly. Your guess is as good as mine.
If you think we missed a better example of an Ohio town that nobody pronounces correctly, please let us know in the comments. Michigan town names aren't exactly easy. Below is proof.
Michigan's Most Difficult City and Town Names and How They Are Pronounced
Gallery Credit: Jacob Harrison
42 Words Michiganders Just Can't Pronounce Properly
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