You Can Walk All Over Michigan’s Famous People
Did you know that Michigan has it's own 'Walk of Fame'?
When most people think of a 'Walk of Fame' they think of Hollywood, where the streets are filled with bronze stars honoring the greats of now as well as years past. Yet, did you know that Michigan has it's very own 'Walk of Fame'? I have spent much time in our States capital, but I did not know we had our own Michigan 'Walk of Fame'!
Located on Washington Square in downtown Lansing, the Michigan Walk of Fame consists of 23 bronze plates inserted into the sidewalk, commemorating some of the most famous Michiganders of all time.
Some of the Greats on Michigan's Walk of Fame are...
- Henry Ford
- Will Keith Kellogg
- Jeff Daniels
- Stevie Wonder
- E. Genervieve Gillette
- President Gerald Ford
- Rosa Parks
- Fannie Richards
- Helen Thomas
- Thomas Edison
- Herbert Henry Dow
According to Wikipedia, the first group of Michigan Walk of Fame's inductees were honored on May 25, 2006 during Michigan Week. The second group of inductees was announced in fall 2007. The Walk of Fame was discontinued after 2007, so many of us shall never see our names one the streets of Lansing.