April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month and WMU is empowering students.

Western Michigan University is committed to protecting and informing students as well as those in our community. With April being Sexual Assault Awareness month WMU has announced that on Monday September 24th they will hold a summit, to "Inform. Empower. Prevent. Let's End Campus Sexual Assault"

Mlive.com has reported that...

The day-long summit's goal is to continue Michigan's leadership role in the fight against sexual assault among the college-age population

First Lady of Michigan Sue Snyder was quoted as saying...

"I'm proud of the leadership role Michigan has taken to address the prevalence of sexual assault on our college and university campuses. These statewide summits are an important part of our work to raise awareness and prevention efforts to ultimately change the culture and put an end to campus sexual assault.

WMU President Edward Montgomery told Mlive.com

The university is pleased to host the summit, which is vital to keep the conversation going.


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