West Michigan Tells What The Cruelest April Fools Joke They Have Been A Part Of Is
It is unclear how and when tricking friends and family on April 1st actually started...but it sure is fun!
This morning on The Morning Mayhem, Tess Taylor told the story of a gentleman who decided it would be funny to propose to his girlfriend on April Fool's Day. He got the ring, got down on one knew, and popped the question. When she said 'yes', he said 'April Fools'...and he was serious! Prior to the proposal, this guy realized that she wasn't the "one" for him, so this was his way of breaking up with her...so not cool!
That got us thinking about what are the cruelest April Fools pranks have you every played or have been done to you?
Alexis From Kalamazoo Said...
"Someone put Fourth of July "poppers" under the toilet seat, so when I sat down they blew up"
Carrie From Battle Creek Said...
"Everyday my Dad ate a huge bowl of Corn Flakes loaded with sugar. So, when I was 11 years old I switched out the sugar in the bowl for salt. When my Dad took that first bite all you could see on his face shock. I don't remember how long I was grounded for, but that was not one of my best ideas."
Karen From Kalamazoo Said...
"I was teaching 4th grade, and that particular year the school had a ton of 'Snow Days". So, at story time I sat the kids down and explained that I had just gotten an e-mail that said because of all the snow days the school had, Spring Break that year would be canceled. The joke was going great until one of the kids started to cry."
Nancy From Colon Said...
"On April 1st I had an appointment with my Chiropractor for an adjustment, when he finished I told him I could not feel my legs. Of course I could, and he was originally really upset but the next time I saw him he said all his friends in the same medical field thought the prank was funny."
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