Video Of Kalamazoo Cashier Taking Gun From Armed Robber
Late Tuesday Night an armed robber got more than he bargained for at a Kalamazoo party store.
According to this MLive youtube video,
At approximately 11:15 P.M., Oct. 10, 2017, Kalamazoo Public Safety officers were dispatched to the Campus Party Store, located at 2627 W. Michigan Ave, in reference to an Armed Robbery in progress. A soon-to-be customer was on his way in to the party store when he noticed a man pointing a gun at the clerk. The witness ran back to his vehicle and called 911. Moments later KDPS received an emergency call from the clerk of the party store reporting the robbery. The suspect appears to be a middle aged white male. His face was covered with a black, tube style, cold weather mask. He was wearing an olive drab winter hat with jeans and a crew neck sweatshirt.
You'll notice in the video below that the party store employee sees an opportunity and takes the gun from the robber. Money flies every where as the criminal tries to flee.
Please call Kalamazoo Public Safety at 269-337-8120, or Silent Observer at 269-343-2100 if you have any information about this suspect.