Lately I’ve seen this graphic floating around the Internet, asking people how exactly they draw their X’s. This made for an interesting thought for me, as I always thought everybody drew their exes the same from top left or bottom right then top right to bottom left, as shown in example 7. Then I started wondering if people who are left-handed draw their X’s differently.


It turns out there is a little bit of variety when it comes to how people draw them in the Kalamazoo area. Most people are like me but it turns out there is a lot of people who draw their exes differently. A total of 19 out of 57 people said they draw their exes as shown in example 8. There were even a few people who draw their X’s in example 5. Here are the results:

Out of 57 people, 6 people draw it as shown in example 5, 19 people draw it as shown in example 8, and 32 people draw it as shown in example 7.


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