There’s Hope! Brewery Merger Brings More Options to Kalamazoo
Lately, it seems like every news article is about another local business shutting down due to Covid. And as a new Kzoo resident...that really bums me out! Both for the fate of these businesses and the fact that I never got to experience them.
But...there is hope! As reported by WWMT News Channel 3, a merger between Gonzo's Biggdogg Brewing and Saugatuck Brewing Company which was announced in March of LAST YEAR has finally been approved!
The CEO of Saugatuck was quoted saying,
We could not be more excited and honored to finally be an official part of Kalamazoo. I am most thankful for the staff at Saugatuck Brewing Company Kalamazoo. They have really stuck with us through the thick and thin. There have been some tough times waiting this out and they have all been in great spirits throughout.
In preparation for a grand reopening celebration, Saugatuck Brewing Company will be closed today and tomorrow. They'll kickoff their 'Mega Final Grand Reopening Celebration' (as named on their Facebook page 😆) at noon this Thursday, October 1st as the brand new Saugatuck Brewing Kalamazoo. This includes a scrumptious looking brunch on Sunday which is promised all day long.
As well, Saugatuck Brewing Kalamazoo will be honoring Emotional Wellness Month by making donations to Gryphon Place of Kalamazoo. So really...if you decide to drink you'll be drinking with a purpose!
Speaking of bars....did you hear about the potential extension of last call in Michigan? Read more about it here

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