Everyday morning on my ride from Mattawan into work, I pass a particular house in Texas Corners while heading Eastbound on I-94 right after mile Marker 69.4 that baffles me. The house is located right off of W. O Ave and every morning I wonder how these people manage to get back to their house. The house's driveway is in a constant state of flooding and was the same way over winter. I'm constantly wondering how the occupants get home.

Google Street View
Google Street View

Someone I was driving with one day noticed a little dirt path up the road a bit that seems to turn towards the property, but I have yet to personally confirm this. I've seen this driveway flooded so bad, they would literally need a small row boat to get to dry land. I wish I knew who lived here so I could finally figure out how they work around this problem. I've never seen a car in the driveway but I have seen lights on inside the house before. Until I get a response, it'll remain a mystery.

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