Sweetheart Drive at Five – 2021
You can win BIG this Valentine's Day with the Sweetheart Drive at 5.
How It Works
1. Beginning Friday, Feb 5th listen to Dana and Chelsea around 7:20 am for each day's Sweetheart Drive at 5 Song of the Day.
2. Then, be the 13th caller at 978-1033 when you hear Dave Benson play that song again sometime in the 5 pm hour.
3. Each day one lucky winner grabs a daily prize and is registered for a HUGE grand prize!
Each daily winner will receive the following:
- $25 Lover's Lane Gift Card
- $20 Coldstone Creamery Gift Card
Each daily winner is then qualified for the Valentine's Grand Prize:
- $50 Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory
- $100 American Express Gift Card from KC's Auto Land
The grand prize winner will be announced at 5 pm on Friday, Feb 12th.
Happy Valentine's Day and good luck!
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