Study Says You’ve Probably Been ‘Catfished’ Here’s Why
Michiganders are in danger of being 'Catfished'
At first when most people heard the term 'Catfishing' it was associated with dating scams, Now, the word means so much more. 'Catfishing' can not only include romance but, also money scams, and even scams that could cause physical harm to someone.
We all think "That could NEVER happen to me", but it can, and it has too many people. In fact, The Detroit Free Press has just reported that Michigan ranked 8th out of all the states in the number of 'Catfish' victims across the country.
Here are the Top 10 States with the most 'Catfish' victims...
- California
- Texas
- Florida
- New York
- Pennsylvania
- Washington
- Virginia
- Michigan (with 461 victims)
- Illinois
- North Carolina
It's tough now days to know a persons intentions when you first meet them so What is my IP address put together a list of tips on what behaviors or actions to look for...
- The relationship progresses quickly
- They never want to show their face
- Social media usage is sparse
- They ask for money
- They seem too good to be true
- Their “job” sends them around the world
- Proper grammar is lacking
- They have elaborate stories
A final tip is NEVER give large or repeated sums of money to a person online that you’ve never met in-person and don’t have history with. Also, NEVER give out your bank account information!!!
Be safe and don't that the fish bite!
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