State Police to Crackdown on I-94 This Summer
The Michigan State Police announced it's beefing up it patrol of Interstate 94, throughout the entire state. They are looking to cut down on dangerous driving behavior.
Traffic crashes on I-94 increased 7% last year from 2016, far above the 1% rise statewide over the same period.
What troopers will be looking for are: distracted and aggressive driving, following too closely, improper lane use and excessive speed.
“Motorists can expect troopers to take a zero tolerance approach to these dangerous driving behaviors,” said Col. Kriste Kibbey Etue, director of the MSP, in a release. “Most crashes are preventable, and the dangerous behaviors we see on I-94 need to change.
One other interesting fact was in the release from the Michigan State Police. "In total, troopers conducted 460,446 traffic stops statewide in 2017, resulting in 133,293 citations and 358,400 verbal warnings."
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