Ohio Weatherman Flips Out On ‘Bachelorette’ Fans
In the beginning of the week we saw some pretty nasty storms throughout Michigan and in Ohio as well. The weather got so severe that there were tornado warnings in Ohio, which needed emergency broadcasting. A weatherman for Fox 45, Jamie Simpson, got attacked on social media for interrupting an episode of The Bachelorette. As if warning people that if they don't take shelter, they may die, isn't a real problem. Well, he didn't handle it so chill.
"Viewers are complaining already, ‘Just go back to the show.’ No. We’re not going back to the show folks. This is a dangerous situation, OK? Think about if it was your neighborhood. I’m sick and tired of people complaining about this. Our job here is to keep people safe and that’s what we’re going to do. Some people complaining that it’s all about my ego – stop. Just stop right now. It’s not. I’m done with you people. I really am. This is pathetic."
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