Who’s Responsible for These Spongebob Traffic Cones in Ohio?
Every once in a while, I really love the internet.
On Tiktok, a construction worker's video recently went viral when he discovered that someone had painted a traffic cone to look like Patrick Star from Spongebob Squarepants.
The video, with about 14 million views, can be seen below. It's from the account mikeyp357:
People in the comments were, understandably, delighted. One comment read:
Am I the only one who is hoping they come back every day and paint a different character lol - Da Hellcat Hunt
Well, Da Hellcat Hunt (and many others) got their wish! Just one day later, a cone painted like Spongebob popped up at the same construction site:
Now, here's where Tiktok's For Your Page algorithm proves how impressive it is.
I scoured the comments looking for a hint of who might be responsible for this. After all, we document everything on social media these days, right?

A few of the comments indicated that they had seen a video from the artist but, there were no specific names mentioned. However, literally 10 minutes later as I was continuing to scroll through the app (while procrastinating on doing laundry), a video titled, "Welcome to me painting construction cones," came across my feed.
Yup. It's the artist responsible for the Spongebob cones, Amanda Stone:
As of four hours ago (as I write this at 7:30 a.m EST, October 26, 2022) she had added a third painted traffic cone to her portfolio :
Now, I'm not sure of the laws when it comes to construction materials or whether or not this would count as vandalism or destruction of property. So, I'm definitely NOT encouraging you to paint any traffic cones that might be in your area.
With that being said, something about this is just so innocent and delightful. Hopefully, she made the construction workers' day.
If you love art, whether on traffic cones or on the street, check out these chalk masterpieces from Battle Creek's 2022 Color Creek Festival:
The Chalk Masterpieces From Battle Creek's 2022 Color the Creek Festival
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