Ohio Man’s Touch-Free Trick-Or-Treat System Goes Viral
This Dehli, Ohio man found a way to practice safe trick-or-treating during the pandemic.
Andrew Beattie came up with a way to touch kids with a 6 foot pole for Halloween. Get your mind out of the gutter. Beattie recently posted a photo of his creation on facebook. It's simply a 6 foot, orange and black pole attached to his front step railing that slants down toward the sidewalk. This will enable him to drop candy to kids from a safe distance during this Covid-19 pandemic.
Since he posted this photo it's been shared over 85 thousand times over the last 10 days.
Andrew also addressed commenter's health concerns on facebook by outlining the steps he's taking to keep everyone safe,
This will be a completely "touch-free" experience for trick or treaters. There will be a sign at the bottom of the tube showing them where to hold their bags and buckets so the candy can drop right in. I, personally, will be wearing a mask and changing gloves frequently, and the candy will be from a factory-sealed bag that I'll open outside by the candy chute.
It is unclear if there will be trick-or-treating in many areas of Southwest Michigan. If, there is trick-or-treating how do you plan to keep you and your family safe during the pandemic? Let us know in the comments.