Ohio Man Strips Naked in Public and Claims to Be Jesus
An Ohio man stripped naked in the middle of traffic claiming to be Jesus on Wednesday, April 29th.
OK, let's suppose Jesus Christ came back as promised. It's not outside of the realm of possibility that he would be naked, right? It's not like he's stopping by the Gap real quick. And let's be honest, the Gap is closed during the pandemic anyway. Not to mention, a pandemic would be the ideal second coming of Christ. But Ohio? That's where I stop playing Joan Osborne's "What if God Was One of Us" and call b.s.
The self proclaimed naked holy man was a 40-year-old Leavittsburg, Ohio resident. He was reportedly showing what is father God gave him in the area of Eagle Creek and Templeton road in Warren Township according to rochesterfirst.com.
When the Trumbull County Sheriff's deputies arrived on the scene they found a naked, sweaty man running around. Actually they said he was, "sweating profusely." He would only identify himself as Jesus Christ when the deputies attempted to question him. Then, Jesus lunged at the law enforcement officers. One officer had minor injuries and the suspect was transported to the hospital.
The suspect did not show up for his court appearance and now has a warrant out for his arrest. He is charged with resisting arrest, disorderly conduct and public indecency.