Mystery Of The Lake Michigan Trout Wearing A Wedding Ring Solved
A man caught a fish in Lake Michigan that had a wedding band attached to it's body. Why? How?
Let's begin this story from the end. That would be when this fish was caught according to Chicago.Suntimes.com,
Friday, June 21, by a group of fishermen aboard Jim Nelligan’s “Grey Lion II” by the R4, a famous buoy east of Chicago’s north suburbs. They were fishing for lake trout with four colors of leadcore line with a Blue Dolphin spoon in 105 feet of water.
We thought this story started when the fisherman made the strange catch but that's not the beginning of this story at all. The story begins with heartbreak in Whitehall, Michigan.
It turns out a man named Capt. Jason Rose was out fishing after his marriage was over. He caught this fish, attached his wedding band to it's body using a zip-tie, then released it back into Lake Michigan. Click here and here to see pictures.
Well, now the mystery is solved. However, it's hard to understand why zip-tying anything to a fish is acceptable. Just go a freakin pawn shop man.
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