The deadliest weather in Michigan is not a tornado or flood, it's snow showers!Last year alone more than 2,800 lives were lost in the U.S. due to winter conditions on the roadways. Recently a survey put out by safe wise ranks Michigan as one of the worst states to drive in when Frosty has taken over.

Even Dale Earnhardt Jr. had a mishap on snowy roads this week in North Carolina (and no, North Carolina didn't make the list). According

Earnhardt Jr. was out for a drive in North Carolina's Piedmont region, which has received several inches of snow since dawn. Snow in that area is a relatively rare event, and just a few inches is enough to shut down schools and business while creating havoc on the highways.

After stopping to help one motorist that had run off the road, Junior himself said he "center punched a pine tree." He quickly shared his adventure on Twitter, assuring fans he's OK.

When a NASCAR Champion struggled on snowy roads, what chances do we average Joe drivers have when the winter winds whip?

Michigan has made the list of most dangerous states to drive in when it snows (certainly not a list we want to see our state on.

Top 10 Most Dangerous States For Driving In The Snow

StateCrashes in SnowChances of Being in a Crash, per 100.000
New Mexico80.3837

Not surprisingly, Flordia, Georgia, Louisiana, and Hawaii are the safest states to drive in when it comes to snowy/ icy roads. In 2016 they had zero snowfall and one the safest state to drive in that encounter snowfall was Rhode Island.

Driving Tips When The Roads Are Snowy...

  • Check the tires, wipers, fluids, lights, and indicators—make sure they’re in working order and ready for wet, snowy, icy, or slushy roads.
  • Always clear ice and snow completely before putting your car into “Drive.”
  • Buckle up (it bears repeating!).
  • Turn on lights for safety—visibility can be your best friend in a storm.
  • Always use the indicators when changing lanes, turning, etc.
  • Take it easy—there’s no prize for first place on an icy road.
  • Stay about twenty seconds behind other cars in case you have to stop suddenly.
  • Don’t slam on the brakes.
  • If you do slide, turn INTO the direction of the slide.

We have at least a few more weeks of snow so when you head out be safe!


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