McDonald’s Attempted Robber Dressed As Manager
A woman dressed as a manager tried to rob a Mt. Comfort, Indiana McDonald's Friday morning.
Criminals are known for bad decision making. That goes without saying, since they're criminals. However, this attempted robber thought she considered everything according to WTHR.com,
The woman was dressed in a McDonald's manager's uniform and said she was there to get product information for another store.
Once inside, police say she pulled a gun, told the manager to open the safe and took employees to the back cooler.
Here's the thing...while the fake manager was moving employees to the back cooler with a gun, the real manager took off. That real manager was the only person that could have opened the safe.
When the armed, fake manager realized she couldn't get into the safe, she left. No word on if she stole any salty delicious fries on her way out.
Authorities are asking anyone with information on this incident to call the Hancock County Sheriff's Department.
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