Marijuana Petition Gets 300,000 Signatures
A petition from the MILegalize organization has collected over 300,000 signatures to legalize the adult use of pot in the state of Michigan.
According to The Weed Blog,
The campaign needs about 253,000 valid signatures on petitions in order to qualify for the ballot in November of 2016. “We have to overachieve that number,” Hank said, “because we are sending a clear message that Michigan is ready to lead on civil rights, job growth, education, and better roads.”
As of 2008 marijuana for medical use was legalized in the state of Michigan with a possession limit of 2.5 oz usable and 12 plants. Michigan is one of 24 US states that have legalized Medical Marijuana.
According to, marijuana is legalized for recreational use in Washington, Oregon, Colorado and Alaska.
Will you vote ya or nay in November to legalize marijuana for adult use in the state of Michigan?
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