The four part docu-series Glitter & Greed: The Lisa Frank Story is now streaming on Amazon Prime. Have you watched it yet? Fair warning: if you're a '90s kid this will probably shatter your childhood!

Her signature designs are an essential part of '90s pop culture. While you can find her artwork in all corners of the globe, how much do you know about the real Lisa Frank?

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An air of mystery has always surrounded the Michigan-born designer and a new docu-series aims to change that by introducing fans to the other sides of Lisa Frank Inc.-- the good, the bad, and the downright mean.

'90s nostalgia seemed to hit its peak in 2024. As a '90s kid myself I was thrilled to have a reason to bust out my old choker necklaces and mood rings that I've hung onto for way too long. Luckily, they're considered vintage now! I even purchased a new Tamagotchi at Target, but it's not as fun and less of a challenge to keep an electronic pet alive when I'm a grown, responsible adult now.

Having a disposable income means I can spend my money on recreating my childhood and of course that includes the new wave of Lisa Frank product collaborations like Lisa Frank Pillsbury cookie dough, Lisa Frank makeup lines, and ORLY nail polish, but at what price?

You may want to think twice before purchasing your next nostalgic Lisa Frank product as this new documentary claims the Bloomfield Hills, Michigan native has a track record of taking advantage of business partners and co-collaborators, and even fans themselves. Even Lisa's own son Hunter has chosen not to have a relationship with his mother.

In Glitter & Greed: The Lisa Frank Story we get to hear from James Green, a.k.a. Mr. Lisa Frank, the Detroit designer who not only went on to wed Lisa Frank but become the CEO of Lisa Frank Inc.. Green claims it was him and not Lisa who created many of the companies signature products and designs the company is known for.

Glamour Dolls Lisa Frank
Glamour Dolls Lisa Frank - Lauren G/TSM

Frank is notoriously private so we don't get to hear much of her side of things in this documentary, but I think I know all I need to. I remember personally following the failed Glamour Dolls collaboration and even have one of the few Lisa Frank/GD makeup brushes that was produced-- and yes, it took forever to receive!

Glitter & Greed is the side of the story all '90s kids and Lisa Frank fans deserve to know; we can finally answer the question: Who Really is Lisa Frank?

LOOK: Relive the ’90s in These Iconic Photos

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Gallery Credit: Stephen Lenz

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