‘Like Liquid Gold’, Hopslam Is Back At Bell’s
"Like liquid gold" was the reaction of one Bell's Hopslam enthusiast at the news that the Double IPA is available at the Eccentric Cafe and at locations throughout Michigan and the country.
Starting with six different hop varietals added to the brew kettle & culminating with a massive dry-hop addition of Simcoe hops, Bell's Hopslam Ale possesses the most complex hopping schedule in the Bell's repertoire. Selected specifically because of their aromatic qualities, these Pacific Northwest varieties contribute a pungent blend of grapefruit, stone fruit and floral notes. A generous malt bill and a solid dollop of honey provide just enough body to keep the balance in check, resulting in a remarkably drinkable rendition of the Double India Pale Ale style. -Bell's website
Hopslam, while maybe not having quite the size of the devotees of fellow seasonal signature beer, Oberon, does have a very passionate following. The beer packs quite the wallop, coming in at 10% ABV, but one fan describes it as having "beautiful, earthy notes of hops", and being a Double IPA, it has a smoothness to go with the hoppiness.
According to Bell's seasonal calendar, Hopslam should be available through February and in it's description, says it should stay good for three months.
Bell's is planning a release party for Thursday evening, beginning at 8pm, at the Eccentric Cafe.
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