Kalamazoo Woman Goes From Homeless To Central City Tap House Chef
With all the struggles we have in Kalamazoo with the homeless community growing larger, it's a hard pill to swallow to know that many of them are unable to get back on their feet on their own. Every person has their own story though, and recently Kalamazoo Valley Community College shared a story of one woman who was homeless in Kalamazoo, who fought back against the odds and is now chasing her dream as a chef for the Central City Tap House.
In a post made on Facebook, KVCC explained how when Leshieka Williams was down on her luck, she battled to turn her life around:
Leshieka Williams was homeless when she decided to answer her true calling and enroll in the culinary arts program at Kalamazoo Valley. She didn’t even have a way to get to school, until staff at Kalamazoo Valley helped her secure basic resources for herself and her four children. Lesheika registered for KVAAP, which allowed her to attend school full-time and covered her tuition, fees, books and equipment expenses. Lesheika overcame every obstacle in her path. She received her well-earned degree in May and is now the chef at Central City Tap House in downtown Kalamazoo.
Leshieka's story is inspiring for the fact that this city has a lot to offer people like her who were in a terrible situation, but it takes a village to bring this city to a place where we don't have to worry about people being kicked out of homeless camps, and we can instead reach out and help them make a new life for themselves. Let's hope we hear more stories like this in the future.
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