Kalamazoo Snow Days Could Lead To A Longer School Year
It's always nice when you wake up in the morning to the news, "school's closed!" What isn't nice is when you get the kind of weather that we have been getting this week and you start to run out of school days. That's what's starting to happen to Kalamazoo, we're running out of days to take off. The upside is the kids can stay warm all week, the downside is once you run out of snow days, they will have to make up for them at the end of the school year, taking away time in their Summer vacation; that's the law in Michigan.
According to Freep: "Under Michigan law, school districts are allowed six canceled days due to conditions beyond their control. That includes severe storms, fires, epidemics, power outages, water or sewer failure, or other health issues. Schools can request an extra three days from the state superintendent once they exhaust their six forgiven days. These are not automatically approved, as districts must show a need for extra time and an inability to reschedule missed days later in the year."
So there we have it. We have to hope the rest of our Winter isn't too bad otherwise we may lose out on enjoying the Summer, which we miss dearly.