Kalamazoo Shares The White Lies Parents Tell
Did your parents tell you the tale of the boogie man, or that they had to taste test you Halloween candy to make sure it's safe?
Today on The Morning Mayhem with Tess and Heather, asked the question, what white lies did your parents tell you when you where little, or what white lies do you tell your kids?
Tess (Taylor) from WKFR...
"When my parents took me camping they would tell us the tale of the 'Green Gigsy', who would snatch up children when they were misbehaving at the camp site."
Heather (McGregor) from WKFR...
"My mom would only allow us to have non-sugar cereals but we could put as much sugar on it that we wanted. As an adult I found out that the sugar bowl was filled with powdered milk not sugar."
Mandy from Kalamazoo..
"My parents told us that if we didn't behave 'Jimmy from the attic' would come downstairs."
Jesse from Kalamazoo...
" I tell my kids, if you touch the Christmas Tree, you'll take its magic and Santa won't be able to find us...."
Sarah from Paw Paw....
"My Dad told me that the animals on the side of the road were sleeping because the road was warm"
Samantha from Mattawan...
" I told my kids that they were allergic to McDonalds"
Rachel from Kalamazoo...
"I told my children that every time they lie their ears turn red. Now I know when they are lying, because they pu their hands over their ears."
Haley from Climax...
"My Grandfather told my mother that Elvis didn't die, he was abducted by aliens when he was going to the bathroom."
Selena from Battle Creek...
"I told my daughter that when we left the hospital after she was born we were given a pamphlet that had Santa's, the Easter Bunny's, the Tooth Fairy's, phone number in it, so we could contact them when they were naughty."
Rachel from Galesburg...
"My father called hydrogen peroxide, "Tickle Medicine" when he was cleaning out our wounds."
Jen from Kalamazoo...
"My Grandfather lost 2 fingers in a saw accident but told us kids that a little monster that lived in his nose at them, when he picked his nose once."