Kalamazoo Public Library Announces New-Age Mobile Library
The Kalamazoo Public Library has just announced a new three-year plan that includes a new mobile library on wheels. This mobile library, which is expected to be out and running in Kalamazoo by next year, is everything but a classic Mobile Library according to the Executive Director Ryan Wieber who says: "It's going to provide technology. It will still provide books. But it may not provide books on a regular basis, a regular stop on a weekly notice. We see it promoting the library, introducing the library, bringing collections, bringing technology, bringing a WiFi hotspot to an event or to a park."
The KPL is making huge strides to continue to offer services and goods not normally found in libraries, as he continued: "A scientific calculator, a microscope: things that people may need for a temporary purpose or reason but they don't have the need or means to go out and buy something. So why not have the library be that place where they can find that tool or that technology and check it out."
You can ready the full Kalamazoo Public Library Plan for 2019-2022 here.
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