Grand Rapids is Under A Curfew For The Next 48 Hours
The Grand Rapids Mayor brings in the National Guard and a curfew to the city after protest turns to destruction.
Saturday a peaceful protest turned into arson and vandalism which lead to Mayor Rosalynn Bliss announcing the curfew via video chat with the city manager according to WWMT,
The protest on Saturday began peacefully, but became destructive and resulted in a number of car fires, as well as vandalism. Bliss said the curfew would be from 7 p.m. to 5 a.m. She said on Tuesday, she would discuss with city leaders whether to extend the curfew.
Bliss has declared a state of emergency after riots damaged 100's of businesses and several vehicles according to Wood TV 8. If you're caught out passed curfew you could face up to 30 days in jail and a $500 fine.

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