Get Your Turkey Run On This Thanksgiving In Kalamazoo
Burn some calories before the big meal!
Stretch out and get ready for a good time! The Kalamazoo annual Turkey Trot Time Prediction 5k run is happening on Thanksgiving Day (Nov.22nd) at 9 am. Are you ready to run?
The fun all starts early, so you will have plenty of time to have that turkey roasted and all the sides steaming hot, plus you got an awesome run in before the family arrives. The run takes place at Portage West Middle School 7145 Moorsbridge Rd.
Here are the details about registering for the run from
Event is $15 (no shirt) for those who pre-register by Tuesday, November 20 ($15 individual/$50 family cap) and $20 (no shirt) for late/race day registration ($80 family cap). Long-sleeve technical shirts may be purchased for an additional $25 at packet pickup on a first come, first serve basis.
You can still register for the run up too race time!
Over a dozen door prizes will be up for grabs, so make sure to fill out a raffle entry form by 10:00 a.m. Must be present to win.
No No's For the Race Are...
- No watches or other devices that track time
- Bicycles
- Dogs
- Strollers
Celebrate the holidays with a quick run before an amazing meal!