Donnie Wahlberg Jumps On The 2020 Tip Challenge
Michigan has started a very cool trend!
Dana Marshall recently reported that an Alpena, Michigan waitress received a $2,020 tip on a $23 bill Sunday Night. The Alpine News reported that the receipt read "Happy New Year" and "2020 Tip Challenge". Danielle Franzoni (the waitress who first received this kind gesture talked about how this changed her life on the NBC Nightly News Wednesday Night. Now the trend has taken off!
According to Mlive, singer/actor Mark Wahlberg accepted the challenge and gave a $2,020 tip for a server at a Chicago-area IHOP. the credit card receipt showed that the bill was $78.45, then the star tacked on an incredible tip.
News got out about the tip when Donnie's wife Jenny McCarthy twitted...
Starting 2020 off like the amazing man he is.
Jenny's amazing man went on to sign the receipt with...
Thanks Bethany. Happy New Year. 2020 Tip Challenge.
The couple resides in Chicago so it seems that the mid-west is taking heed to tipping well with the "2020 Tip Challenge".
Not many of us can afford to tip upwards of 2 thousand dollars, but we can tip appropriately.
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