Constantine Fire Department Responds to Fire Truck Fire at Own Firehouse
Ummmmm.... aren't Firefighters supposed to be going TO the fires, not bringing the fires to them?
I guess not... at least in Constantine. An ironic turn of events, as last week, the Fire/Rescue team accidentally started a fire in their own house.

Friday, authorities inadvertently set a world record for response time to a fire when Constantine's own fire truck caught fire in the Fire/Rescue house.
Authorities said one of the firefighters was doing maintenance to one of their rescue trucks, backed it into the bay, and went inside the building to take care of additional tasks. Then, he heard a noise from the bay, and returned to find smoke coming from under the hood of the truck.
The engine of the truck had caught fire.
Dispatch was sent out to neighboring Fabius Park and White Pigeon Fire Departments to assist, but the flames were quickly extinguished thanks to additional personnel who arrived.
Fortunately, no one was hurt in the fire, but the truck is a total loss. Authorities say other items in the bay sustained smoke damage. Parts of the building also sustained smoke and heat damage.
No cause has been released, but it's believed to have been a mechanical or electrical issue in the truck that started blaze.
But man... can you imagine that call going out?
Constantine FD: "Requesting Aid for Fire in Constantine."
Dispatch: "OK, where in Constantine?"
CFD: "Umm.... Just tell them to meet us at the Fire House."
Dispatch: "..... it's at the fire house, isn't it?"
CFD: "Maaaaaaaybe...."
I'd hate to be the guy who was there, working on the truck and responded to the fire. You thought fraternity pledges get hazed? This guy just got bumped back to "probie" and is gonna be cleaning toilets for the next year.
Jim O'Leary's mom and cow were a part of the legend of the Great Chicago Fire. His mansion still stands in Chicago.
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