Christmas Card Lane In Kalamazoo Celebrates Over 50 Years Of Wishes
The great Kalamazoo Christmas Card Tradition continues after 50 years of joy.
Anne Anderson grew up on Christmas Card Lane and remembers the start of this lovely tradition. Anne told that it all started back in the 1960's, with 8 neighbors, some plywood, and paints. They had the idea to create HUGE Christmas cards and decorate their yards. It has now been over 50 years, and every house on the street takes part. Annie said...
"We've managed to make this work for all these years, even with so many people moving out of the neighborhood, and new folks moving in," said Anderson. "Everyone likes doing it, and I truly hope it continues another 50 years, and beyond."
And, Anne's Christmas wish has come true as Christmas Card Lane Celebrates 52 years of Christmas Cards for all to enjoy!
If you want to see Christmas Card Lane, just drive over to Lauderdale Drive in Kalamazoo. Take lots of pictures and take in the sights!