Can You Guess What These Close Up Kalamazoo Buildings Are?
For those of you who are fairly new to the area of Kalamazoo, there are still some go-to places to visit that you may not be too familiar with. But for those who are long-time residence or well acquainted with the city, this may be just the challenge for you. I zoomed in on very familiar buildings from around the Kalamazoo area to see just how well you know know the buildings that have made a big impact on our city.
If you can guess what they all are, you're truly a Kalamazoo pro and know your city. So, let's get to guessing. Here are some clues:
1. This has building has been many things, but all have been WEEDED out.
2. You'd have to have your head in the clouds not to know this one.
3. A Kalamazoo staple. Almost too easy.
4. It takes book smarts to recognize this building.
5. This iconic building could never be hidden in the shadows.
6. If you guess this and all other buildings, cheers!
7. If you've never been here, CHECK it out.
8. This building is GORGEOUS.

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