Cabin Fever? City-Wide Scavenger Hunt Starts February 15th
If you and the whole fam-damily are dealing with a bad case of cabin fever, the City of Kalamazoo's Parks and Rec. department might have something to get you out and about to at least change your surroundings for a little while.
The city calls it the Winter Family Scavenger Hunt. This gets started on Monday, February 15 and goes for two weeks until Monday, March 1st. There are going to be 30 items hidden in 15 parks throughout the City, and your mission should you choose to accept it, is to find and/or discover for a chance to acheive glory and to win prizes. This scavenger hunt is free, and anybody can participate.
"Kzoo Parks and Rec will post a Scavenger Hunt Guide at www.kzooparks.org/scavengerhunt on Monday afternoon, February 15 at 3 p.m. This guide will include the list of participating parks, clues, and maps. Families can use the guide when exploring participating parks to find hidden items and take a photo with them. Once they have found and photographed seven items (each in a different park) participants can upload their photos through the submission form to enter the prize drawing. The submission form link will be posted to the scavenger hunt page with the guide on Monday, February 15. Five winners will be randomly selected to win their choice of a Family Season Pass at Kik Pool or a week of summer camp for one child. The first 50 participants will also receive a free scavenger hunt t-shirt for each participating family member. All submissions must be made by 5 p.m. on Monday, March 1. Winners will be contacted via email and announced on social media Wednesday, March 3 at 12 p.m." - Ground rules from the City of Kalamazoo for the Scavenger Hunt
The city says the "hidden items will be placed in locations that are within reach, and will not be placed in restricted areas, under any park equipment, or above seven feet off the ground. Don't look through flower beds or dig anywhere to find hidden items. You only need to take a photo with the items and they stress you have to leave items where your find them them so that others can participate. And here's a bit of a clue: Two items will be hidden in each of the 15 participating parks; one item will be in an accessible location near the road and the other will be hidden further in the park."

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