An Indiana Cracker Barrel Fired Brad’s Wife
Then the world banded together for justice. Here are some of the funniest comments during this trollfest of Cracker Barrel #BradsWife.
This hilarious and strange viral sensation came to my attention Thursday Night when a facebook friend shared this story from boredpanda.com.
Digging deeper into #BradsWifeGate we find this on Heavy.com,
Social media users are trolling Cracker Barrel after Bradley Reid Byrd of Milltown, Indiana asked why his wife was fired after 11 years of working at the restaurant and on his birthday, too. To make matters worse, the restaurant chain, which is famous for making Southern comfort food and having a country store at each location, has yet to say why she was fired.
Then both facebook and twitter lit up with #BradsWife and #JusticeForBradsWife going viral. My personal favorite hashtag was #NotMyCountryStore.
This response to Cracker Barrel's Sweet maple pepper bacon is hilarious.
In response to an Allison Krauss concert post on the Cracker Barrel facebook page Jeramy Little said,
I think this tweet sums it up well.
If you're ready to dive into the rabit hole of Cracker Barrel trolls for the clever comments click here for Cracker Barrel's facebook page and click here for #BradsWife on twitter.
Bonus Video: How To Start a Twitter Beef With A Celebrity - Dana's Den
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