Air Zoo Piecing Together Apollo 11 Tribute With Help From Locals
Do you have anything that looks like it would belong in the living room of a family watching the greatest human achievement of all time? The Air Zoo is looking for anything vintage for an exhibit they're putting together that will be modeled after a 60's living room in Kalamazoo in honor of the 50th anniversary of the first Moon landing.
Christy Kincaid posted on the Vanished Kalamazoo Facebook page: "Hi all! We are recreating a 1960s living room for the Apollo 11 anniversary at the Air Zoo! So we are looking for items that may have been found in the average KALAMAZOO family home during that time. Anyone have suggestions, places we should check out, or even some odd and end items you may want to donate (or potentially loan) to the exhibit? Some of the big stuff we are looking for is a couch, living room tables, tv (will have to be donated, we are going to be retrofitting it to be able to play the moon landing on it) wall coverings, such as wall paper, curtains, pictures, calendars, etc.We are SO excited about this exhibit."
If you have any contributions you'd like to donate please contact Christy at ckincaid@airzoo.org
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