According To A Study, This Is Michigan’s Best Pizza…
We just had a major discussion about what you think West Michigan's Best Pizza is and with nearly 6,000 votes, Erbelli's Pizza took home the crown. It's hard to beat their pizza to be honest. But what about the best pizza in all of Michigan? I have a feeling the people at Uproxx have never been West of Novi according the their results. They recently put out an article naming the Best Pizza In Every State.
The results they put up is a decent decision. Buddy's Pizza is a staple on the east side of the state, and has been harbouring a style they call, "Detroit Style Pizza" since the 30's. Still, even though I've had Buddy's and it's amazing, I feel like when they say "Michigan" in these lists, what they really mean is "Metro Detroit," because you never see them name a pizza place away from Detroit. They know there's an entire other side of the state right? Even so, you should definitely try Buddy's if you ever get the chance. All I'm sayin' is we have some bomb-a** pizza over here too.
P.S. You want some really good pizza? Try Bud's Bar in Schoolcraft. You'll thank me later.
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