A Kalamazoo Biggby Employee Dumping Coffee Went Super Viral on TikTok
This Kalamazoo TikTok creator has a couple of crazy viral videos you should see.
Every Tuesday we feature a local TikTok creator that we think you should check out. It may just be an awesome excuse for us to watch TikToks at work and get away with it. This week we meet Adam Curry, who goes by "Currinator" on TikTok. Adam has nearly 23 thousand followers. A couple of his earlier TikToks blew up big time. His very first TikTok took place in a local Biggby Coffee. This has 2.4 million views and 310k likes so far.
Then there's the Louis Vuitton video that got him 7.8 million views and over 1 million likes. Wow.
One of my favorite videos from him has less than 1,000 views. But the moment he flexes cracks me up. This TikTok, "How To Get a Body Like Mine" shows Adam cooking cereal and milk in a skillet with a spatula because, of course it does. LOL
We are featuring a Southwest Michigan TikTok creator every week onair and online every Tuesday for #TikTokTuesday. If there is someone that you think we should highlight, Friend us on TikTok and send us a message @DanaOnAir or @ThatChickChelsea. We look forward to seeing your favorite TikToks.

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