What I Learned at Wine Not; A Fantasy Wine League
Sometimes the best ideas are born of pure frustration. Jessika Cole was sitting around with some girlfriends complaining about their men's obsession with fantasy football. Words to the effect of "well, what if we had a fantasy wine league" were uttered and an idea was born.Fantasy Wine League was at this year's Wine Not. Here's what I learned.
1. Invite somewhere from 5-11 friends.
2. Establish some rules (pricing, prizes)
3. Six members bring a bottle of wine.
4. Put the bottles in a bag with tags
5. Everyone gets out their journals
6.Start tasting, talking, and laughing
You can purchase a kit from their website. It's about $108, but remember, if there's a dozen of you, that's less than $10 a person to get started.
While the website seems to geared towards women, and a girls night in, there's probably some guy that would like it, too. Or the significant others could for a Fantasy Beer League.