Wanna Be The Next Larry Bell? Here’s Your Chance
A dream has to start somewhere, but let's take a step further. Forty years ago, beer brewing was a dream for Larry Bell's, and, well, it turned out okay.
If you want to be a beer baron or baroness, then here's your opportunity to at least check it out as a hobby. We'll leave the next forty years to you.
On Saturday, November 2nd at Noon, Bell’s Eccentric Café is hosting an American Homebrewers Association (AHA) Learn to Homebrew Day event. It's open to everyone, is free and in the Beer Garden.
Bell's says "'Learn to Homebrew Day' is an opportunity for homebrewers to introduce their community to the hobby of brewing beer."
“Whether you’re a seasoned homebrewer or just someone that’s curious to see how it all works, Learn to Homebrew Day is a great opportunity to meet up with other like-minded folks and talk about all things beer,” David Curtis, Bell’s General Store Operations Manager, said. “I’ve been homebrewing for many years and I always learn something new when I brew beer with other people – that’s what makes this hobby so much fun.” Bell's press release.
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