Vaccines Have Been 99.99% Effective Against Covid-19 in Michigan
Here's what is really happening with the Covid-19 vaccines in Michigan.
It's more than unfortunate that Covid-19 and the vaccines used to fight off the virus have become political. The misinformation campaigns only make this pandemic last longer. That leads to financial hard ships, extreme health problems and even death for many Americans. It's never been more important to focus on the actual facts and data.
Anti-vaxxer's lost their minds when the report came out recently that 246 fully vaccinated people in Michigan contracted Covid-19 in 2021. They must not realize what the vaccine's job is and how amazing that number is. Here's how the Covid-19 vaccine works according to the CDC,
COVID-19 vaccines help our bodies develop immunity to the virus that causes COVID-19 without us having to get the illness.
The current vaccines have proven to be incredibly effective in preventing the spread of Covid-19 so far. Even though it's highly unlikely, it is possible to contract Covid-19 after you've been fully vaccinated. However, the vaccine makes the virus symptoms far more manageable. Fully vaccinated people that catch Covid-19 are sick for a shorter period of time with far less severe symptoms. They are far less likely to be hospitalized or die.
Now let's take a look at the numbers. According to an article from the Detroit Free Press on April 6th, 1.8 million Michiganders were fully vaccinated and 246 of those people caught Covid-19. That means the vaccines in Michigan have been 99.99% effective. That's far greater than expected. In fact, that's far greater than most vaccines throughout history.
As of the latest report released from on April 12th, nearly 2.2 million Michiganders are now fully vaccinated (27%.) While over 3.3 million have received at least the first dose (41.3%.)
Below is a breakdown of vaccinations by percentage of population in Southwest Michigan counties as of April 12th.
Kalamazoo County
First Dose: 46.71%
Fully Vaccinated: 31.60%
Van Buren
First Dose: 41.55%
Fully Vaccinated: 26.81%
First Dose: 36.85%
Fully Vaccinated: 26.46%
First Dose: 35.67%
Fully Vaccinated: 26.24%
First Dose: 40.42%
Fully Vaccinated: 25.47%
St. Joseph
First Dose: 34.49%
Fully Vaccinated: 24.43%
First Dose: 28.07%
Fully Vaccinated: 16.64%
See the full list of counties by clicking here.
LOOK: Answers to 30 common COVID-19 vaccine questions
While much is still unknown about the coronavirus and the future, what is known is that the currently available vaccines have gone through all three trial phases and are safe and effective. It will be necessary for as many Americans as possible to be vaccinated in order to finally return to some level of pre-pandemic normalcy, and hopefully these 30 answers provided here will help readers get vaccinated as soon they are able.