This Could Be The Lions’ Draft Headquarters Thursday Night
Yes, these are unprecedented times. But, yes, football is king, in this country. And, fans, even casual ones, are looking for some entertainment and distraction. So, in spite of everything, the National Football League Draft comes at a great time for us.
But it is also fraught with questions, unknowns, and the possibility of dreaded glitches, not to mention, hacking.
I'll spare you to gory details, but, instead of all the executives of all the teams being gathered both in Las Vegas (it was the site of this year's Draft) and in their office complexes. decision makers will be scattered all over the country, most in their dens or dining room, laptops blazing. ("Ah, my kingdom for a UPS!" (uninterruptible power supply))
If you remember the classic 80's movie, "Airplane", I can picture the late Stephen Stucker, as Johnny, pulling the plug out of the outlet on the entire airport. Ah, if wishes were fishes"
And, with so much riding on this, does the NFL tell GM's families, no Fortnite, no Tiger King, no listening to our station online, to preserve bandwidth? And what about wi-fi? Imagine some hackers driving past Bob Quinn's driveway pointing a Pringles can, hoping to intercept a wifi signal.