Shakespeare’s Pub Employee Tests Positive For Covid-19
The re-opening of local bars and restaurants was a risky move to begin with, but many Americans were antsy to get back to normal. Sadly we are nowhere near normal and the Coronavirus continues to threaten our well being. Currently, Shakespeare's Pub in Downtown Kalamazoo has an employee who has been tested positive for the virus and will continue to stay open, following recommendations for the constant use of masks and clean hands throughout the workplace.
In a release just made on their Facebook, the co-owner, Ted Vadella, said that the pub feels that the best approach is to, "ensure the safety of our community is being transparent in how we are handling safety measures towards the fight against COVID-19. Any news that involves our pub, we share with our staff, and then we prepare to share it with our public, immediately."
He went on to further elaborate on the situation:
Moments ago, we received a message from a staff member of ours, that they tested positive for COVID-19. This staff member has not been in to work for 5 days. When they did come to work, they were at the pub for 20 minutes. We were made aware that they had been in contact with a COVID-19 positive individual and we immediately sent them home. At the time of this news, they had not been tested themselves. Before that, they were not in the pub for over 5 days. I share this timeline with you so that you are aware of the amount of exposure this individual had on our public and staff.
We spoke to the health department. They assured us that the best approach was . We also continue to not allow individuals who show signs of illness to work. The majority of our staff that have been in contact with this employee have volunitarily been tested or have set up an appointment to be tested.
The pub will not allow individuals who show signs of illness to work. The pub owner said the company feels morally obligated to share their news with the community. We wish the sick employee a speedy and safe recovery.
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